Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Celebrating Michael's Birthday

The kids enjoying their cousin Jesse in the backyard.

Michael, would like a BIG wish this year!

Happy Birthday to you!......Happy Birthday my Love!!

I know what Annie's wish is!! A NEW HOUSE!! Soon baby soon! Sometimes I get really sad about our old house and the decision I made about selling it. I say I because my husband didn't want to sell. I just hope and pray at the end we'll be able to buy a house again in the area we leave in now. Even though this house gets to all of us, we are really thankful for a roof over our heads!

1 comment:

Shan said...

happy birthday michael!
p.s.~malena, to rotate the pic, just right click the photo and click on "rotate clockwise" or "rotate counter clockwise" before you upload it to your blog...it's easy (don't hesitate to call me). i'm so glad you blogging a lot!:)