Monday, July 7, 2008

"Swap Day"!

Since, the kids are getting older, Michael and I are trying to make it a point to have an one on one time with either Annie or Noah for the day,and they get to pick what they would like to do....(within budget). So, Annie went to the "Angels"game with dad and I took Noah to the movies. Annie loves her licorice..
"Angels" Won!
Later that day we went to enjoy a barbecue at auntie Olanda's and uncle Oscar's house. Here's Nino Xavier and Dad.

Nino Xavier , Nina Michelle, and dad.

1 comment:

Shan said...

i love when derek takes kaia out on a daddy/daughter date and she loves it too...(and it's nice having some alone time with leia)...when leia gets a little older, she's gonna love the "d/d" dates too! ;)